Comparing Text Similarity in Excel

Jasmin Morel
Jasmin Morel
May 20, 2022


Excel is one of the most convenient and widely used database creation and management software programs. Having said that, even Excel has its limitations. Try comparing two strings of text in Excel and learning how similar they are. That is, without having to do it manually.

Introducing pwrSIMILARITY – the easy way to compare text in Excel

Should you wish to compare two strings of text in Excel and learn how similar they are to one another, just use pwrSIMILARITY.

In order to use this handy function, simply choose the 'PowerUps' option from the main tool bar:




Then, select the 'PowerUps Functions' option:



Comparing text in Excel


Then, select the 'Text Analyzer ' option and the 'pwrSIMILARITY' function from the list of available functions:



How to compare text in Excel


After you choose the appropriate function an additional window will appear in which you'll have to set the function's criteria. Use the 'Str1' field to select the first string of text to be compared. Use the 'Str2' field to choose the second string of text to be compared. Set the 'Ignorecase' as 'False' if you want uppercase and lowercase letters not to match and as 'True' if you want uppercase and lowercase letters to match.



easy to compare text via excel


The function's return value will be the ratio of similarity between the two chosen strings of text represented by a number between 0 and 1.0, 1.0 being completely identical:



Compare text using Excel


And, you're done! Now you can compare two strings of text and learn how similar they are to one another in a matter of mere seconds!

Good luck!