Live for Speed

Live for Speed

Version 10
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A realistic driving simulator

If you love cars and racing games, and you are a true fan of everything that purrs and roars, then you will love Live for Speed. This is more than just a racing game and stands head and shoulders above the typical games that litter consoles and PCs these days, Live for Speed
is a racing simulator, going out of its way to provide a realistic and thrilling driving experience that puts racing fans in the thick of the action.

There are no steering aids or auto-steering controls in Live for Speed because there are steering aids or auto-steering controls in real life. Live for Speed is a pure racing experience, a beautifully rendered, intense and addictive game that is like nothing that has gone before but promises to set a trend that will change the way we play racing games forever. Live for Speed is a Grand Prix game for those who want a serious racing experience, a game for true fans of the sport who want all of the action and none of the fakery.

Live for Speed is available for download on most Microsoft Windows operating systems and requires a decent 3D graphics card in order to run smoothly.

Astro Says:

  • Available on most Windows operating systems
  • The graphics are very realistic.
  • The sound effects are excellent.
  • No steering aids makes driving harder
  • Requires good 3D graphics card
  • Not available on some Windows OS
Live for Speed
Live for Speed
Version 10
Security Verified

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