Quantum Break

Quantum Break

Version Timeless Collector's Edition
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Quantum Break Timeless Collector’s Edition provides a making of Blu-ray, soundtrack, and more.

Quantum Break is a revolutionary game that melded all of the excitement and action of a well-produced live action television show with a AAA videogame, and the results are actually stunning. If you haven’t yet played the game, which is only available on PC and Xbox One, it is high time that you did. For PC players, right now is a perfect time to get the game thanks to Quantum Break Timeless Collector’s Edition. This edition is a great option for those who have never played the game and who want to experience it on PC, as well as those who love the game and who want the additional collector’s items that come with the edition.

Melding of Gameplay and Live Action

When this game was first announced, no one really knew exactly how it was going to work. They knew there was going to be some sort of television or video component to the game, but they didn’t know if that would only be for cut scenes, or if it was really going to be a TV show, as promised.

It turns out that it was actually a television show that plays out over the course of the game. At key moments in the game, generally after you’ve completed a level, a live action show will start to play. This can give you more details on the story and on some of the characters that have smaller roles in the game narrative. Interestingly, certain things you do in the game can change how the live action portion plays out, although the effects are slight. The show is very watchable and enjoyable. It looks as good as anything you will see on television today.

The Gameplay

The gameplay is very smooth, and even though there are a number of linear parts to the story, the world is large enough that you can explore a bit. The game does a good job of dolling out the various time powers that make the main character something of a superhero, and they do a good job of teaching you how to use those powers. Once you start to accumulate a number of different abilities, you can then start to tackle situations differently. You might want to go into one area with guns blazing, and you might want to rely only on your powers in the next area. The way you play is up to you.

A Mind Bending, Time Warping Story

There is a fracture in time, and the entire world might just come to an end. What caused the fracture? Can you stop it or reverse the effects? The game allows you to make choices that will affect how the game’s story unfolds. Your actions actually do have an impact on the larger world out there. Though the standard version of the game has been out for a while now, you don’t have to worry about any spoilers here.

In addition to the great concept behind the story, there is also some incredible work not only on the part of the developers, but also the cast that helps to bring the game, as well as the live action sequences to life. The game stars some big names including Aiden Gillen, Dominic Monaghan, and Shawn Ashmore, who plays the main character Jack Joyce. Having these actors, and the other great actors that are a part of the game, helps to lend more believability to the story. They do a very good job on all levels.

The addition of the live action story provides player with a much deeper understanding of the lore in this game universe, as well as more information behind the motivation of different characters. Of course, you don’t have to watch these episodes if you do not want to – you can always skip past them. However, if you do that, you are going to be missing out on some story elements that you will likely want to know.

What Does Quantum Break Timeless Collector’s Edition Offer?

In addition to the game, it also includes a Blu-ray that delves into the making of the game, the audio sound track, a double-sided poster, and a quick start guide for the game. If you adore Quantum Break, the Timeless Collector’s Edition could be a great buy. For those who have never played it and who were waiting for a new edition that offered something more, now is the perfect time to pick up the game and start playing.

Quantum Break was one of the most anticipated releases of the year, and this new edition just makes things even better. The success of the game put out by Remedy Entertainment will hopefully allow other developers to try new things with their games.

Quantum Break
Quantum Break
Version Timeless Collector's Edition
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Comparison of Alternative Programs:
Alternatives to Quantum Break - Software Comparison Chart:
App Name
File Size
A must for any Max Payne fan.
3.55 MB
The Walking Dead licensed game
2,969.60 MB
Play as Vietnam veteran Lincoln Clay in Mafia III and destroy the Italian mob.
Make Al Capone look like a choir boy.
An unexpected hit for 2012.
18,193.36 MB
Sibling assassins explore London in the nineteenth century.
The best installment just happens to be the last.
25,702.40 MB
Mafia III Deluxe Edition includes the game, as well as the full season pass.
The French Revolution, Assassin’s Creed style.
40,304.64 MB
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands Gold Edition offers open world excitement.

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