The Earth Screensaver

The Earth Screensaver

Version 1.0
Free trial
1.04 MB
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Get a cool space screensaver for your PC

The Earth Screensaver application is designed to provide users a variety of interesting space imagery. The screensaver application provides users an out of body experiences. Really, when you see the 3D animation of objects floating in deep space along with the stars and the galaxies, you will feel as if you are flying in space too.
It also shows you a realistically animated image of planet earth, floating in space. The screensaver application also has similar animations of the sun and the moon along with the ISS orbiting the globe. The screensaver are quite visually pleasing. You can even say that they are somewhat relaxing and will leave you gazing at the image’s graphics and animations for several minutes.
Another thing you might find interesting about the application is that it has two different modes. You can use the demo mode to just simply look at different images and the interactive mode which allows you to ‘interact’ with the images. This means you can choose to move from one end to the other. You can even zoom in and out of the images and go on an educational trip around earth. The interactive mode has different flags and borders that are designed around earth which contain valuable information about the planet.
In conclusion, the Earth Screensaver is really quite an impressive application.

The Earth Screensaver
The Earth Screensaver
Version 1.0
Free trial
1.04 MB
Security Verified

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