the RecordsKeeper

the RecordsKeeper

RecordsKeeper Software
Version 2.1.1
Free trial
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A database program for keeping records

The RecordsKeeper program can help uses to keep track of a wide variety of information. RecordsKeeper is a database program that can be used by individuals, professionals and businesses who need to store a variety of information. It can be used to keep personal records, such as financial information, or to store details on an inventory of a home or a business. Regardless of what information you need to store, RecordsKeeper can help you keep a detailed and neat database.

RecordsKeeper includes a number of customizable screens, labels, headlines and data fields, allowing users to match the database to their needs. These days we’re told to use different passwords for different websites, but with the typical computer user signed up to dozens and dozens of sites and services, keeping track of those passwords can be near impossible, but RecordsKeeper can help you with hat as well. Simple input your passwords, usernames/member IDs into the program and, if you forget, RecordsKeeper can help you remember! RecordsKeeper can also be used to keep medical records, financial records and much much more.

Astro Says:

  • Works with personl and financial records
  • Makes keeping business inventory easier
  • Offers several options for file customization
  • Display looks older and rather plain
  • Records with several fields potentially overwhelming
the RecordsKeeper
the RecordsKeeper
RecordsKeeper Software
Version 2.1.1
Free trial
Security Verified

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