Validating Data in Excel

Jasmin Morel
Jasmin Morel
May 20, 2022

Excel is widely used for managing large databases for various purposes. In many cases data is received from external sources, such as other databases or users input. This necessitates verifying that the received data is indeed intact and matches users' criteria.

Using ordinary excel functions to perform such a task can be bothersome and can cause errors. However, performing such a task with Office PowerUps' Field Validator functions becomes a no brainer.

Field validators – easily validate different types of data

In order to use the Field Validator functions, access the 'PowerUps' option from the main tool bar:



Validating data in Excel


Then, select the 'PowerUps Functions' option:



PowerUps Functions Validation data


Then, select the 'Field Validator' option. From this new menu, you can select any data validation function that you might need:



Field Validator for Excel


Such functions include Email address validation, phone umber validation, zip code validation, credit card number validation, address validation, date validation, and URL validation. You should take into account that in some cases these functions can't actually determine if the datum checked is indeed real. Rather, they can check if it's consistent with common characteristics of such types of data. For example, the pwrISCREDITCARDNUMBER function can't actually check if there's an actual credit card with the number currently being checked, but rather if the number currently checked is consistent with credit card number characteristics:



Validating data via excel


These field validator functions return values of 'True' or 'False' and allow you to validate extensive data types for your use.

And, you're done! Now you can effortlessly validate numerous types of data and manage a much more efficient database!

Good luck!