Advanced Flash Player

Advanced Flash Player

Mohsoft Corporation
Version 1.1
Free trial
4.58 MB
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Play videos conveniently and compress files to save memory

Advanced Flash Player gives you all of the options that you would expect from one of the best video software programs around and much more. You have the opportunity to save all of your favorite settings, such as scale and volume. Create playlists of your favorite music, movies, and shows so that you can relax and enjoy them. Quickly go from window to full screen and view the file’s name and time all while playing your video and audio files.

One of the best parts about the program is its versatility. Rather than having to go from one program to another depending on the type of file that you are playing, you can play all .swf and .flv movies in one place. You can even compress files down to as little as 30% of their original size, a great option for those who are concerned about saving space on their hard drives. If there’s a particular image from the files that you are playing that you’d like to capture, you can save it in one of three formats: .bmp, .gif, or .jpg. This is a great option for movie fans – or parents of them – to get the images they need for pet projects.

Advanced Flash Player
Advanced Flash Player
Mohsoft Corporation
Version 1.1
Free trial
4.58 MB
Security Verified

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