Super DX-Ball

Super DX-Ball

BlitWise Productions
Version 1.1
Free trial
3.80 MB
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A family brick-breaking game

Super DX-Ball is a fun, action-packed and addictive game that reminds the classic arcade games of the 1980s, the ones that birthed a generation of modern-day gamers. One of the biggest consoles of that time was the Amiga, and Super DX-Ball was actually inspired by an Amiga game called Megaball and created by one of those 1980s gamers previously mentioned. Super DX-Ball is a family friendly game, perfect for adults and children of all ages. It comes with a total of 150 levels, all of which get increasingly difficult as you advance, with the last few levels staying true to the arcade classics by being nearly impossible to beat.

Super DX-Ball is very easy to pick up and play, making it an ideal choice even for those with little to no prior gaming experience, and it can suit all skill levels. Super DX-Ball comes with a fast and upbeat soundtrack and well-presented and aesthetically pleasing graphics. It can be played in full-screen, or it can be played in a window, allowing you to chat, browse or keep an eye on Facebook or your emails as you play.

Astro Says:

  • Variety of gameplay choices
  • Uninteresting music and sound effects
Super DX-Ball
Super DX-Ball
BlitWise Productions
Version 1.1
Free trial
3.80 MB
Security Verified

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